Front Page Fridays Week-8

Welcome to Front Page Fridays Week-8. Every Friday I highlight a newly published book by showcasing the first page.

My Front Page Fridays Week-8 guest is Malcolm Hollingdrake and his new police procedural, Edge of the Land. 

The cold of the early morning penetrated her gloves bringing a sting to her fingers. The gusting wind slapped her face as it channelled its way down the narrow valley that was home to the Leeds and Liverpool Canal as well as that of the railway linking Wigan to Southport. The isolated area at this time of day seemed to belong only to nature. The cold contradicted the warmth generated from the expelled energy, as sweat clung to Skeeter’s lower back where it dribbled and pooled. Her breath, steady and rhythmic, immediately emitted small clouds of grey vapour in regular streams, as warm gasps were forced from her gaping mouth.

The canal seemed to be breathing, too, as smoky wisps clung in a filigreed mantel along its dark surface, the dawn light bringing with it a silver, ghost-like curiosity. Pausing momentarily, she stood by what once was the lock keeper’s cottage and enjoyed the low sun’s first warmth. It made her face tingle. The viaduct carrying the M6 crossed the valley at this point, over‐shadowing the railway and the canal. The history of transport was captured all within a few metres. She knew this moment of…

Edge of the Land by Malcolm Hollingdrake. Published 16 April 2024 by Hobeck Books. 

About the Book

The waterways of the Liverpool docks contain many ghosts and shadows. It’s a place to disappear … or die.

Detective Inspector April Decent and Detective Sergeant Skeeter Warlock fear for the welfare of a vulnerable young man injured in an attack ordered by drug dealers. Originally questioned at the scene, Danny Maynard denies the attack and refuses to co-operate with the police. He soon disappears. Clues to his whereabouts are seeded, a cry for help maybe, but he continues to be elusive.

The team are also dealing with a spate of deaths in the city, with one thing in common: the victims are all homeless and seemingly ravaged by addiction. Once that connection is realised – the hunt for a potential serial killer is on.Is there a link between the missing man and the other deaths? Could he be the missing piece of the puzzle which will solve the mystery behind the brutal murders?

Edge of the Land is the thrilling third novel in the Merseyside Crime Series from Malcolm Hollingdrake, author of the best-selling Harrogate crime series. 

Purchase Links

Amazon: Edge of the Land: The Merseyside Crime Series Book 3 eBook : Hollingdrake, Malcolm: Kindle Store

Hobeck Books: Edge of the Land by Malcolm Hollingdrake | Hobeck Books

About the Author

You could say that the writing was clearly on the wall for someone born in a library that they might aspire to be an author, but to get to that point Malcolm Hollingdrake has travelled a circuitous route. Malcolm worked in education for many years, including teaching in Cairo for a while. Malcolm has been happily married to Debbie for over forty years. They met in their first weekend at Ripon College through strange and unusual circumstances. Serendipity was certainly cupid on that occasion.

Malcolm has written a number of successful short stories, has seventeen books now published and is presently writing the fourteenth crime novel in the Harrogate Crime Series. He has recently completed the third book of the Merseyside Crime Series, ‘Edge of the Land’, which Hobeck Books is publishing in a few days. The books introduce us to DI April Decent and DS Skeeter Warlock.

Malcolm has enjoyed many diverse hobbies including flying light aircraft, gliders and paragliders, learning to fly at Liverpool Airport, designing and making leaded windows and collecting works by Northern artists.

Social Media

Facebook: AuthorMalcolmHollingdrake

X: MHollingdrake

Insta: MalcolmHollingdrakeAuthor 

I hope you enjoyed Front Page Fridays Week-8. Come along next Friday for another.

And please take a look at books already featured on Front Page Fridays:

  1. Blood Ribbons by Lin Le Versha –

  2. Fatal Blow by Brian Price –

  3. Can I Trust You? by Rob Gittins – Front Page Fridays Week-3 – Rachel Sargeant

  4. The Last Bird of Paradise by AJ Aberford – Front Page Fridays Week-4 – Rachel Sargeant

  5. Never Forgive You by Hilly Barmby –  Front Page Fridays Week-5 – Rachel Sargeant

  6. The Mists of Pencarrack Moor by Terri Nixon – Front Page Fridays Week-6 - Rachel Sargeant

  7. The Thief of Joy by Stacey Murray – Front Page Fridays Week-7 - Rachel Sargeant


My Book Reviews for April 2024 (Part One)


Front Page Fridays Week-7