The Wonder of Book Bloggers

Book Bloggers are a wonder. Until my editor told me about them, I didn’t know that book bloggers existed. I had no idea that so many people out there read even more voraciously than I do. Although mostly registered as professional readers on Net Galley, none take payment for their work. Book bloggers run professional-looking, well-maintained websites, brimming with their reviews and recommendations. With their innovative extra features, they are a great source of support for lesser-known authors to give us a helping hand with publicity.
To get a feel for the range and volume of activities these wonderful people engage in, look at #bookbloggers on Twitter.

Here are some of my favourite sites:

Emily Williams Author

Emily is a primary school teacher based in West Sussex. As well as reviewing romance, thrillers and contemporary fiction, she loves to read children’s fiction. Emily is also the author of Letters to Eloise and is currently working on a psychological thriller that I can’t wait to read.

The Book Review Cafe

Crime book lover, Lorraine, started her blog in August 2015 with no idea how popular it would become. She fits in reading and reviewing around a full-time job. I liked her Top Five Thursday column where she talked all things top five and books with fellow bloggers.

Jen Med’s Book Reviews

Jen is a night-time reader who loves inspiring others to try new books and authors with her blog. She’ll try most genres, her favourite being crime. Check out Jen’s own Writing and Musing section on her website.

The Book Review Babe

This book babe is a sassy, red lipped reader who likes to read and review romance, women’s fiction, contemporary fiction, crime thriller, psychological thriller, domestic noir & horror. I loved her review of Cass Green’s In a Cottage in a Wood.

Shaz’s Book Blog

Self-confessed bookaholic Sharon reads women’s fiction, crime fiction, psychological thrillers and a few sagas. Her blog has a number of features including interviews with debut authors, a column where experienced authors talk about aspects of writing and a giveaways slot.

Chat About Books

Kerry’s blog has recently celebrated its second birthday. In that time she’s featured guest articles and interviews with a variety of authors in action thrillers, psychological thrillers and contemporary fiction. I love her author Q & As and look forward to taking part soon.

Have Books Will Read

Clair is a married mum living in the east of England with 2 cats and a bursting-at-the-seams bookcase. She was a keen reader from an early age. Crime, mystery, thriller, chick-lit and contemporary fiction are her favourite genres.

My Reading Corner

Karen lives in Essex and, like me, got her love of crime novels from reading Agatha Christie. She reads mysteries, thrillers and psychological suspense as well as women’s contemporary fiction and historical fiction (with a soft spot for timeslip novels). Karen makes the best use of a two hours a day train commute by reading. I almost envy her, but not quite.

I recommend all these book bloggers for ideas of what to read in their preferred genres.
If you stop by their sites in December, look out for me as I visit them all on my blog tour for The Perfect Neighbours.
In January I’m looking forward to taking part in a Best of Crime feature with another great book blogger:

Off-the-Shelf Books

Victoria is a freelance health journalist/editor. She is the author of Allergies: A Parents’ Guide and is currently writing a novel. She loves reading fiction, especially crime, mysteries, thrillers, psychological thrillers, women’s contemporary fiction, popular fiction, some historical fiction and some YA fiction (including dystopian novels).


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