Front Page Fridays Week-9

Welcome to Front Page Fridays Week-9. Every Friday I highlight a newly published book by showcasing the first page.

My Front Page Fridays Week-9 guest is Michael Wood and the first page of his brand new psychological thriller, The Mind of a Murderer. 


Forensic psychology is the application of scientific knowledge to help answer questions in the study of criminal practice. Through analysing the history of the criminal, interviewing the killers and the friends and family of the suspects it is hoped a better understanding of the murderer and their acts can alert the authorities to the killers of the future. You can sit opposite an incarcerated mass murderer and ask him questions and he will answer you, but how much can you trust his answers? Serial killers are, by design, great manipulators. The theory behind the science is intricate. In my experience, the best person to fully understand a serial killer is one of his victims. Like me.

The Mind of a Murderer by Michael Wood. Published 28 March 2024 by One More Chapter.

About the Book

Dr Olivia Winter is a forensic psychologist whose job is to understand the minds of serial killers. There’s only one monster she can’t understand, her father.Notorious and brutal, his nine-year-old daughter was supposed to be his last victim. But she survived.Now, a serial killer is stalking the streets of London, and the police need Olivia’s help. But to catch the murderer, she must confront her demons and losing this case is not an option.

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About the Author

Michael Wood is a crime fiction author born and raised in Sheffield where his bestselling series featuring DCI Matilda Darke is set. The Mind of a Murderer is the first in a brand new psychological thriller series featuring forensic psychologist Dr Olivia Winter. Michael is also the author of three standalone thrillers, The Seventh Victim, Vengeance Is Mine and Chapter One. He currently lives in Newcastle, and he is busy writing more dark and disturbing fiction.

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I hope you enjoyed Front Page Fridays Week-9. Come along next Friday for another.

And please take a look at books already featured on Front Page Fridays:

  1. Blood Ribbons by Lin Le Versha –

  2. Fatal Blow by Brian Price –

  3. Can I Trust You? by Rob Gittins – Front Page Fridays Week-3 – Rachel Sargeant

  4. The Last Bird of Paradise by AJ Aberford – Front Page Fridays Week-4 – Rachel Sargeant

  5. Never Forgive You by Hilly Barmby –  Front Page Fridays Week-5 – Rachel Sargeant

  6. The Mists of Pencarrack Moor by Terri Nixon – Front Page Fridays Week-6 - Rachel Sargeant

  7. The Thief of Joy by Stacey Murray – Front Page Fridays Week-7 - Rachel Sargeant

  8. Edge of the Land by Malcolm Hollingdrake – Front Page Fridays Week-8 - Rachel Sargeant


Front Page Fridays Week-10


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