Front Page Fridays Week-13

Welcome to Front Page Fridays Week-13. Every Friday I highlight a recently published book by showcasing the first page.

My Front Page Fridays Week-13 guest is Linda Huber (writing as Melinda Huber). I invited Linda to take part after I had the delight of reading and reviewing her latest feel-good fiction title, Wedding Bells at the Lakeside Hotel. Here is the opening:

Chapter One

Saturday, 1st June

It was the best feeling ever. Stacy Townsend plumped down on a chair at the kitchen table, excitement pulling at her middle. She reached for a croissant to slather with butter and raspberry jam, then gaped at it. In seven days’ time, she and Rico would be getting ready to say ‘I do’… While her wedding was absolutely the most amazing thing that had ever happened to her, every time she thought about it, butterflies the size of seagulls started flapping about in her tummy – not particularly conducive to breakfast. Did every bride-to-be feel this way? Come to that, did her prospective bridegroom? Rico, the love of her life and her fellow hotel manager was downstairs already, as if this was any old Saturday morning at the Lakeside Spa Hotel in their corner of N.E. Switzerland, but oh, wow – in just seven days’ time…

Grimsbach church clock in the distance broke into her daydream as she was chewing her way through the croissant. Bim bam bim bam bim bam – quarter to eight, almost time to start her shift helping Alex on reception. Saturday was the main changeover day in the hotel, and the desk was much too much work for one person. Flavia, Alex’s second-in-command, wasn’t due in until the afternoon, when reception would be even busier as new guests checked in with all their questions and concerns.

Stacy swallowed the last calorific mouthful and reached for her coffee. Beneath her, people would be packing and having their last breakfast, then the housekeeping staff would move in to prepare the rooms for this week’s arrivals. Weekends were always busy, but hey… Stacy waggled the finger with the diamond and emerald engagement ring. Next Saturday, she’d be slipping into the floaty white dress which, while not a traditional wedding dress, was as romantic a garment as she’d ever worn. It was going to be incredible. And oh, heck, here were the giant butterflies again. Breathe, Stacy.

Wedding Bells at the Lakeside Hotel by Melinda Huber

Purchase Links

Universal link Wedding Bells:

Amazon UK link:

Amazon UK Lakeside series page:

About the Book

When wedding plans get complicated...A wedding… that’s a happy time with love and laughter and catching up with old friends – isn’t it? But Stacy has problems she didn’t anticipate when it comes to organising this one.The mother of the bride has been watching too many old films, something is troubling the bridesmaid, and above all, a mysterious guest called MJ is about to descend on the hotel – but Stacy and Rico have no idea who it is. And all that’s before the emergency services of two countries start getting involved…And even when the honeymoon starts in the lovely Bernese Oberland, it isn’t long before blue lights and sirens have Stacy's pulse racing again. Surely wedding bells have never been this complicated?

About the Author

Linda Huber grew up in Glasgow, Scotland, but went to work in Switzerland for a year aged twenty-two, and has lived there ever since. Her day jobs have included working as a physiotherapist in schools for handicapped children, and teaching English in a medieval castle.Nowadays she writes women’s fiction and psychological suspense novels, and enjoys spending time in her adopted home town on the banks of beautiful Lake Constance.

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I hope you enjoyed reading Front Page Fridays Week-13. Please come back next time when I’ll be featuring a different author and the first page of their book.

And please take a look at books already featured on Front Page Fridays:

  1. Blood Ribbons by Lin Le Versha –

  2. Fatal Blow by Brian Price –

  3. Can I Trust You? by Rob Gittins – Front Page Fridays Week-3 – Rachel Sargeant

  4. The Last Bird of Paradise by AJ Aberford – Front Page Fridays Week-4 – Rachel Sargeant

  5. Never Forgive You by Hilly Barmby –  Front Page Fridays Week-5 – Rachel Sargeant

  6. The Mists of Pencarrack Moor by Terri Nixon – Front Page Fridays Week-6 - Rachel Sargeant

  7. The Thief of Joy by Stacey Murray – Front Page Fridays Week-7 - Rachel Sargeant

  8. Edge of the Land by Malcolm Hollingdrake – Front Page Fridays Week-8 - Rachel Sargeant

  9. The Mind of a Murderer by Michael Wood -

  10. The Midnight Man by Julie Anderson – Front Page Fridays Week-10 - Rachel Sargeant

  11. Dark Road Home by Sheila Bugler – Front Page Fridays Week-11 - Rachel Sargeant 

  12. Her Charming Man by Rachel Sargeant – Front Page Fridays Week-12 - Rachel Sargeant


Front Page Fridays Week-14


My Book Reviews for May 2024 (Part Two)